A floor lamp fashioned from an old surveyor's transit...

a vintage dresser redo...

and a hall tree made from a colorful old weathered door and some barn wood made a long trip to Ravenna Ohio today.

In an attempt to branch out a bit~ we junked up the trailer and headed west. We decided to rent a booth at a "Shabbied Chic/ Junktique /Antique mall near Akron just to get a feel for the areas taste. There seemed to be several vendors with the ~Shabby cottage garden~ style so we decided to go a bit darker and see what happens.

Somehow it seems we came up with an odd mix of gypsy tramp meets Williamsburg. Does that even make sense? We tossed in our plaid upholstered Deacons bench (made from vintage head & footboards) and some vintage velvet tapestries that we converted to soft rich colorful fringed bolster & floor pillows.

Vintage original paintings paired up with colorful and quirky Day-of-the-Dead style religious shrines & T2T wall art.

It didn't take us long at all to fill our area and although my pocket camera photos turned out rather disappointing , I will post more over the next several days. We are also in the process of getting our Etsy shop and website up and running. I also need to do some adjusting to this blog. Lots of work. It isn't easy stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new, especially away from home but it is the only way one can grow and learn. We shall see what happens. The trap has been baited. YeeeeeeeeeHaw !
the Redneck Junkers
Great stuff. Good luck!