Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Silver all over!

Some photos of a local home we decorated for the holidays. The homeowner LOVES silver! Above is the fireplace mantel. We hung an old trim wood piece from an abandoned vintage highboy to give a bit of oooomph to the original chunky beamed mantle.
A wreath hung on an antique vanity mirror reflects the glimmering silver and soft white lights of the vintage wreath paired with a craft store deer.
Old thrift store tarnished silver candlesticks create a tree like forest for the newer faux silver deer. A glass pine cone ornament resting atop each candlestick adds to the effect.
Placed in a sunny corner of the dining area this silver display shimmered both day and night.
The overall vignette .
An old brass letter "E" signifies the family name and hangs behind a strand of silver baubles on the vintage china cupboard.
A gold glitter church with pearls to mimic snow and another silver "pine tree" this one created by placing a silver cone ornament in an old tarnished trophy cup.
The door wreath was simple. An old oval chippy gilded picture frame decorated with grapevine and faux pine & berries. It was big impact with little effort and one of my favorite things.
Wishing you all a Peaceful & Prosperous New Year!
Sincerely~ The Redneck Junkers


  1. Well I really LOVE that front door wreath -- built on the old frame. Brilliant!

    I'd leave it up till June if it were mine.

    Happy New Year from That Old House in New Jersey!

  2. Quite beautiful! Hey, I like the name Redneck Junkers far better!

  3. Hi! Thanks for stopping by to say hello...That's a lot of silver! Beautiful decorations! Happy New Year! :) Laura

  4. Happy New Year ! Looking forward to sharing thoughts and laughs with you in 2010!
    LiBBy BuTTons*

  5. beautiful decorations! i just love silver.

  6. Beautiful! I just found your blog and love it! I am a follower and I will be back!

    Love the frame/wreath!! Genius!

    Lou Cinda
